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In the press

Here you can read more about 1st Mile in the press. Some are in Danish, other in English.



Søren Houmøllers presentation on climate and CSR in Reykjavik

Søren Houmøller to talk about CSR on Iceland on May 8th

Søren Houmøller of 1st Mile panelist

1st chosen as advisor by Danish cleantech company with IPO ambitions

1st Mile consultant on the Gjøl gasification project

1st Mile awarded project to develop new energy source

Videcrantz joins 1st Mile as senior consultant

1st Mile develops commercial criteria for the Danish EUDP demo program

Søren Houmøller presents visions and financial framework at Bioenergydagen 2007
Download presentation

New course: Business plans for project applicants
Projects must now contain business plans. 1st Mile teaches how.

October, 2007
Massive press coverage for 1st Mile views on cleantech

Søren Houmøllers panelist speech at Copenhagen Climate Solutions

Another new contract for 1st Mile

New contract for 1st Mile

1st Mile has struck a nerve
Lots of press coverage for 1st Mile on implementation on clean energy

Invitation: Opening reception
"Investor's Corner" hope to see many guests on May 31st.

1st Mile moves to Scion-DTU
Forms "Investor's Corner" with other companies

Houmøller joins Advisory Board
New Energy Forum plans conference in December '07

Houmøller appointed chairman
Søren Houmøller chairman of the energy innovation and research committee under the Confederation of Danish Industries

1st Mile wins contract
1st Mile to help Energinet.dk create business on R&D

Frost joins 1st Mile
Frida Frost adds implementation and people skills to 1st Mile

1st Mile Fund
1st Mile to establish new VC fund for early stage investments.

New blog by Søren Houmøller on innovation launched at Engineering Weekly.

Silicon Valley pick-ups
Lots of lessons to be learned on cleantech innovation in the Valley.

1st Mile founded
1st Mile is to bring clean technologies to life.



28/02-2008, Børsen
Ringe investeringslyst rammer europæisk cleantech
On a European scale, lack of cleantech investments contribute to a growing gap with the US.

6/02-2008, Børsen
Mangel på iværksætteri truer dansk energiteknologi
How lack of entrepreneurship is a threat to Danish energy technology.

10/10-2007, Børsen
Har Danmark tabt klimakampen på forhånd?
We want to copy the success of the wind turbines to create new exports from Denmark. What if someone changed the rules while we were busy padding our own shoulders?

3/10-2007, Berlingske Tidende
Har Danmark tabt klimakampen på forhånd?
We want to copy the success of the wind turbines to create new exports from Denmark. What if someone changed the rules while we were busy padding our own shoulders?

23/07-2007, Børsen
Energi og miljø kræver flere iværksættere
To create the winning technologies for the future demands a stronger focus on entrepreneurship in Denmark.

28/06-2007, Berlingske Tidende
Flere iværksættere til energi og miljø
The Danish energy sector needs entrepreneurs badly.

18/06-2007, Forskning i Bioenergi
Forskning skal blive forretning
In the future, applicants for research funding from Energinet.dk will have the opportunity to present business plans for their projects.

15/06-2007, conference speaker
Forretningsplaner i forbindelse med konsortier
Business plans for consortia - workshop for consortia seeking R&D funding for energy technologies.

30/05-2007, El & Energi
Rusk op i jer selv, energibranche!
To keep a significant export of renewable energy technologies, Denmark needs to get in gear now. Local utilities must focus on business in stead of narrow regional development.

25/05-2007, Børsen
Investors hunt solar cells
Investors fear Denmark will lose out on solar cells.

13/05-2007, Berlingske Business
Den grønne bølger ruller over Danmark.
The cleantech industry develops rapidly and will take over after IT and biotech. Denmark is left behind. (Also .jpg version 1 2)

11/05-2007, Engineering Weekly
Udlændingestyrelsens store
bureaukrati er et hovedproblem
for udenlandske forskere.
Bureaucracy at the Danish Immigration Service is an obstacle for professors and universities who needs top researchers. Three professors agree, while the minister of science claims he does not see the problem.

27/04-2007, Erhvervsbladet
USA dræner Danmark for miljøfolk.
Brain drain: Investors in Silicon Valley want to invest i Danish technologies. The risk for brain drain is imminent.

March 2007, El&Energi
Danmark på rampen til
grønt investeringseventyr.
American investments in new energy solutions beats all records. Danish researchers may be a part of the succes, but first Danish R&D must learn to sell itself.




25/10-2007, Copenhagen Climate Solutions.
Søren Houmøllers speech as panelist during the Copenhagen Climate Change session "Investment in cleantech"

June 2007, Bioenergy Research
Turning Research into Business
In the future, applicants for research funding from Energinet.dk will have the opportunity to present business plans for their projects.


©1st Mile | Diplomvej 381 | DK-2800 Lyngby | Denmark www.1stmile.dk | soren@1stmile.dk | + 45 40 44 67 14

1st Mile covers the first commercial distance for new business concepts